How to overcome your fear when joining a Cabin Crew Interview of Emirates Airlines
How to overcome your fear when joining a Cabin Crew Interview of Emirates Airlines is a question of numerous candidates. They are afraid of not thinking of any good answer quickly or the recruiters think that their responses are too bad. In fact, all of the candidates have their own fear at many different levels. Let’s follow the below ways to minimize your fear.
Trust in your experience
You have had an interview already, you practiced a lot. Therefore, you shouldn’t fear anything. You are not alone. People are tending to have fear about something that they don’t know before. You will feel scared when stepping out of your safe zone, but that is also the time you mature the most. After you practice the fast thought skill, you would think that: “Hey, I was used to improvising when joining an interview! Sometimes I answered really well, and it was just passable sometimes, but it didn’t go too bad like I was used to being scared. The recruiters didn’t eat me, I felt even happy when coming there”
To minimize your fear when improvising in the interview, the simple thing to do is “ make it becoming familiar to you”, then it will be in your safe zone. Practice this regularly as much as possible. After a long time, you don’t feel scared about it anymore. Why? Because you have improvised and learned a lot of experiences before.

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Accept that not all of the answers are excellent
There are a lot of situations that you couldn’t anticipate, for instance, a question will be asked, ideas will appear in your mind, or what is your mood, who are the recruiters, and so on… The candidates exchange their experiences with each other that “giving excellent answers continuously is impossible”. Once you accept this, you are not only worried about your answer, but the average of your answers becomes better. Your subconscious will be not prevented by your worry and it will give you awesome ideas for your speaking test.
Make your acquaintance of the surrounding environment
Nếu bạn thấy trước mình sắp bí, hay bị ngợp với không khí căng thẳng thì hãy làm quen với môi trường xung quanh. Để cho phép bộ não của bạn chỉ tập trung suy nghĩ về câu trả lời, hãy loại bỏ những yếu tố không quen thuộc có thể gây ra những nỗi sợ hãi không cần thiết cho bạn.
If the environment makes you feel nervous, you should acquaint it. It assists your brain in only focusing on thinking about the answers, removing all of the unacquainted factors causing unnecessary fear for you.
Step onto the stage and look forward to the empty places. Sit many seats in the room. Shake hands and make a conversation with the other candidate. the link between you and the seats or the other candidates is connected more surely, your improvisation and the connection between you and the recruiters are easier.
At the time you step into the interview room, the room will become familiar to you, and the recruiters become your allies. You will talk with the recruiters like you are having a friendly conversation with your friends. When moving your fear of the recruiters and the new environment, your brain only focuses on the answers.
Most candidates are scared of improvising with the recruiters, however, the candidates shared that: “if you hold the essence of the fear, you will know the way to control it”